7 Simple Ways to Help Dad and Baby Bond

7 Simple Ways to Help Dad and Baby Bond

The bond between mother and child is something everybody talks about but the bonding between a father and child is equally important and precious than mothers. It fosters emotional connection, boosts baby development, and creates cherished memories. In the newborn stage, dads usually feel left out because the baby is usually with the mom as they are breastfeeding and their routine is just drink, sleep, poop, and routine. But that does not mean that dads can't bond with their babies, there are plenty of ways where dads can establish strong bonds with their munchkins. Here are seven simple activities to help dads connect more deeply with their little ones.

  1. Bottle Feeding with Baby

One of the most recommended ways that is suggested to dads to bond with their babies is bottle feeding. It allows dads to be an active part of the baby's feeding routine. Whether the child is formula-fed or has expressed milk, dads can actively take part in this activity. This close interaction helps the baby recognize dad, promotes comfort and nourishment, and allows precious bonding moments.

If the baby is breastfeeding, introducing a bottle for occasional feedings can still be beneficial. It gives the dad the chance to care for the baby intimately, and it allows the mom a well-deserved break.

Tips for Bottle Feeding Bonding:

Hold your baby close during feeds.

Maintain eye contact and smile to create a sense of security.

Speak or sing softly while feeding to engage with your baby’s developing senses.

  1. Diaper changing with Baby

Changing diapers may not sound so fun but it's a great opportunity for dads to make a strong bond with baby. Diaper changing means giving your child a feeling that you care for the baby and there is a feeling of trust and connection.

During diaper changing times, dads can sing to their babies, play with them, or talk to them. This will make your baby bond with you faster and create positive associations as well.

Tips for Diaper Duty Bonding:

Make diaper changes fun with gentle tickles or silly faces.

Talk to the baby in a soft baby voice.

Once you are done changing your diaper, cuddle and soothe your baby afterward.

  1. Bath Time with Baby

Bathtime is another wonderful bonding activity for dads and babies. The warm water, gentle handling, and soothing environment offer a unique opportunity for dads to connect with their little ones. Bath time is often a baby’s favorite part of the day, and it can become a special routine that dads take charge of.

During bath time, dads can play with toys, splash water gently, and make the experience a playful yet calming time for the baby. The soothing and fun environment along with some skin-to-skin contact strengthens the bond between the dad and baby and promotes positive associations.

Tips to make bath time more fun:

Keep the atmosphere fun and calm.

Use interactive things like bubble baths or bath toys to make it a fun experience.

Once done bathing, gently massage your baby with a lotion for some skin-to-skin bonding.

  1. Shopping with Baby

Shopping with the baby or for the baby can also be another excellent bonding activity for kids. Whether it's a quick grocery run or a stroll through a baby store, dads can take the baby along in a stroller or baby carrier, creating time for exploration and togetherness. Shopping together also provides the baby with new sights, sounds, and experiences, which are essential for their development.

Tips for Shopping Bonding:

Keep the baby engaged by talking to them about what you’re seeing.

Use a baby carrier to keep your baby close while shopping.

Take breaks for cuddles and snacks if needed.

  1. Travel Diary with Baby

Another interesting and fun thing to bond with the baby is to start a travel diary with them. Whether you are going on a weekend trip or even visiting a park or a family member, capture precious and special moments create a photo journal, and save every memory in it. This can become a shared activity where dad and baby explore new places and create memories.

Tips for Travel Diary Bonding:

Create a scrapbook and save precious memories in it.

Write down memories or funny moments from your trips.

Make it a tradition to document every outing or trip you take with your baby.

  1. Playing with Baby

Playtime is fun for babies but it can be fun for dads too if they become their favorite playtime buddy. Whether it is tummy time playing with toys or showing them flashcards, dads can actively take part in this activity and make a great chance to bond with the baby.

Dads can engage in simple games like peek-a-boo, stack blocks together, or introduce sensory toys to stimulate the baby’s curiosity. These moments of play help build trust and joy between dad and baby while also providing opportunities for learning and growth.

Tips for Playtime Bonding:

Give new options to your baby to make playtime fun.

Use a variety of toys to stimulate different senses.

Encourage your baby, laugh with them, and let them have the time of their lives.

  1. Spending Quality Time

The most important way to bond with your baby is to just spend some quality time with your baby. Dads should take some time from their busy schedules and interact with babies in different ways. They can make time each day to hold, cuddle, or play with them. Dads can also sing lullabies or rock them to sleep.

Tips for Quality Time Bonding:

Take time out for your baby and stay present for them.

Make eye contact with your baby and enjoy the giggles.

Create routines, like bedtime stories or morning snuggles, to reinforce your bond.


The relationship between dads and babies is the most beautiful one. Nothing is as precious as this and children cherish the memories forever. Engaging in all these seven activities or even simply spending quality time together can build a strong and loving bond with the babies from the start.